

대한소아청소년정형외과학회 공지사항 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.

POSNA and IFPOS combined meeting

대한소아청소년정형외과학회 hit 3356 date 2012-09-24
Dear colleague,
Every three years the International Federation of Paediatric Orthopaedic Societies (IFPOS) holds a congress together with another international society. The next IFPOS meeting is going to be held in May 2013, in Toronto, in conjunction with the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America (POSNA). POSNA and IFPOS decided to have this combined meeting with 2 activities: May 1rst: POSNA/IFPOS ½ Day course preceding the meeting with speakers from POSNA IFPOS; May 2nd afternoon: IFPOS session with free papers presentation.
Those who wish to submit papers should:
1) access the link: http://www.posna.org/meetings/meetings.asp 2) access POSNA Abstract submission site; 3) access Call for Abstracts; 4) log into the system: it is necessary to request a password if you don’t have it (please, read the Abstract Submission Guidelines).
It is not necessary to pay a separate registration fee for the IFPOS activity on Thursday afternoon. Send your abstract! The deadline is October 15. We will be waiting for you! Join us! Carlo Milani IFPOS President